Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We made it to Cairo! It was a long couple of flights, and there was a little hiccup at the airport when the man who was supposed to pick us up didn't show. But we took a taxi and after a rather harrowing taxi ride throu Cairo, we made it to our hotel.
Cairo is a bustling city. There are people everywhere (24 million of them) and they all are moving about in some kind of chaotic syncronization. Vehicles drive inches from each other and the idea of lanes seems totally alien to them. Pedestrians run in between the cars as they stream by, narrowly missing being hit. And there is a variety of vehicles. The city moves like a kicked anthill.
As for the city itself, it's massive! That much is apparent from the air. As we flew in, we caught glimpses of a city that literally stretched to the horizon. The sheer size is astounding.
As you drive through it, you realize how old the city is. Ancient mosques and ruins shoulder up against modern buildings with banks and stores (we even saw a TGI Fridays). It's amazing to think that people were living and creating these building thousands of years ago. This is truly one of the most ancient cities in the world.
Once we got to our hotel, our guide met us and we took a sunset cruise on the Nile in a small sailboat called a "Falooka" We shared some drinks and enjoyed the view from the city from the water.
Tomorrow should prove interesting and we shall see what the city has in store for us.


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